楼主 |
发表于 2005-5-10 10:41:00
关于乐队: 来自瑞典,成军于92年底的The Cardigans(羊毛衫合唱团),94年签入Stockholm唱片旗下后,发行了《Emmerdale》专辑,被当地权威音乐杂志Slitz评选为“年度最佳专辑”,随后推出的《Life》、《First Band On The Moon》等专辑中, 陆续诞生了“Carnival”、“Rise & Shine”、“Lovefool”等排行金曲,最脍炙人口的莫过于入选李奥纳多狄卡皮欧主演《罗密欧+茱丽叶》电影主题曲的“Lovefool”了!这首轰动全球的单曲不仅获得英美点播冠军、英国金榜亚军,更让The Cardigans声势水涨船高,获邀至热门影集《飞越比佛利》客串演出、参加美国《大卫赖特曼秀》及英国《Top Of The Pops》等热门电视节目演出。
《First Band On The Moon》是羊毛衫在1996年推出的第三张专辑,整张专辑充斥着过着富余生活的年轻人的玩笑、休闲、恋情和胡思乱想。The Cardigans的音乐是非常大但的,有些地方的音乐处理对别的乐队会不尽情理,而偏偏于The Cardigans处却十分合适。“Lovefool”和“Been It”是上乘佳作,其它歌曲也十分不俗。余音绕梁,三日不绝。
The Cardigans
For twenty seven years I\'ve been trying
To believe and confide in
Different people I found...
Some of them got closer than others,
And some wouldn\'t even bother,
And then you came around.
I didn\'t really know what to call you,
You didn\'t know me at all,
But I was happy to explain.
I never really knew how I\'d move you,
So I tried to intrude through
The little holes in your veins.
And I saw you.
But that\'s not an invitation,
That\'s all I get,
If this is communication,
I disconnect...
I\'ve seen you, I know you,
But I don\'t know how to connect,
So I disconnect...
You always seem to know where to find me,
And I\'m still here behind you,
In the corner of your eye.
I never really learnt how to love you,
But I know that I love you,
Through the hole in the sky,
Where I see you
And that\'s not an invitation,
That\'s all I get.
If this is communication,
I disconnect...
I\'ve seen you, I know you,
But I don\'t know how to connect,
So I disconnect...
Well, this is an invitation,
It\'s not a threat,
If you want communication,
That\'s what you get.
I\'m talking and talking,
But I don\'t know how to connect.
And I hold... a record for being patient
With your kind of hesitation.
I need you, you want me,
But I don\'t know how to connect,
So I disconnect,
I disconnect...
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-10 10:43:09编辑过] |