It is almost a definition of gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain.This description is both refined,and as far as it goes,accurate.He is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him,and he concurs with their movemonts rather than takes the initiative himself .The true gentleman carefully avoids whatever may cause a jar or jolt in the minds of those with whom he is cast---all clashing of opinion,or collision of feeling;all restraint,or suspicion,or gloom,or resentment;his great concern being to make everyone at their ease and at home.He has his eyes on all his company,he is seldom prominent in conversation,and never wearisome.He makes light of favors while he does them,and seems to be receiving when he is conferring.He never speaks of himself except when compelled,never defends himself by a mere retort,he has no ears of slanders or gossip,is scrupulous in imputing motives to those who interfere with him,and interprets everthings for the best.He is never mean or little in his disputes never takes unfair advantage,never mistakes personalities or sharp saying for arguments,or insinuates evil which he dare not say out.
He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults,he is too well employed to remember injuries,and too indolent to bear malic.He is patient,forbearing,and resigned, on philosophical principles;he submits to pain because it is inevitable,to bereavement because it is his destiny.He may be right or wrong in his opinion,but he is too clear-headed to be unjust;he is as simple as he is forcible, and as brief as he is decisive.Nowhere shall we find greater cander ,consideration,indulgence;he throws himself into the minds of his opponents,he accounts for their mistakes.He knows the weakness of human reason as well as its strength,its province and its limits.
/深情 |